Belly Fat Due to Stress? ways to Get Rid of Cortisol Fat

Belly Fat Due To Stress? Ways To Get Rid Of Cortisol Fat

Feeling really stressed and unable to focus on work properly? Has this stress resulted in unwanted belly fat, causing you to feel somewhat uncomfortable? Well, you’re not alone! A survey conducted by the American Psychological Association showed that Americans are experiencing increased stress levels more than they ever have. Climate change, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on collective mental health, as well as other issues like racial inequality and increased inflation, have all contributed to the new increased stress level seen all over the country. 

Well, this stress is usually more than just the regular mental strain. It can also affect the body’s overall hormonal balance, specifically the cortisol hormone, resulting in some health problems if it continues to build up in the body. For this reason, it’s essential that we maintain a normal cortisol level to effectively manage stress. 

In this article, we’ll explain all you need to know about stress, cortisol belly fat, and ways to get rid of it. So, let’s get into it straight away. 

What is stress?

You cannot learn about cortisol and the resulting belly fat without knowing what stress is and the role it can possibly play. While you would agree that stress is a type of feeling, it’s often described as a worrying state resulting from a difficult situation. However, it’s totally natural, and most people have or will most likely experience it more often than you’d think. 

When you experience stress, the body releases a hormone to trigger what’s referred to as a ‘flight or fight’ response. Ideally, the body will return to its normal state when the perceived feeling has passed. However, if it’s a case of chronic stress, the body will remain in a state of increased alertness even if there’s no impending danger. 

Chronic stress often results in several mental and physical health issues like insomnia, anxiety, high blood pressure, muscle pain, and a weak immune system. It’s also worth noting that several factors can contribute to this condition, including but not limited to job loss, financial challenges, or grief. Sometimes, positive changes in a person’s life, like buying a new car or getting a work promotion, can trigger stress. 

How Stress Causes Belly Fat 

Now that you know about stress and some of its causes, how does this stress translate to belly fat? The stress hormone is often referred to as ‘cortisol,’ and it plays a significant role during the body’s fight-or-flight response. In a chronic stress situation, the level of cortisol in the body is usually high, which is not a good sign. 

Ideally, the body’s cortisol levels change all through the day. During the morning, they’re higher, providing the much-needed boost. As evening approaches, it decreases, allowing for unwinding and relaxation. This cycle of varying cortisol levels is vital for maintaining a healthy well-being. 

When there’s constant introduction of stress, this cycle becomes disrupted, and the adrenal gland keeps releasing cortisol. If this happens for an extended period of time, it can lead to a disruption in the natural balance, resulting in varying health concerns, one of which is the development of belly fat or cortisol belly – an accumulation of excessive fat around the abdominal area.

How To Lose Cortisol Belly Fat 

Reducing cortisol belly fat might be challenging, however, with a proper combination of a few lifestyle changes, it is totally achievable. So, here are some lifestyle changes to get rid of that fat and get your body on track, eliminating the occasional sadness and depression that might come with the fat. 

1. Stress Management

Managing stress is the first step to eradicating cortisol belly fat. Since cortisol fat is born out of chronic stress, lowering stress levels is the first way to fight it. There are several activities that can help in stress management such as yoga and deep breathing. Below we take a look at them. 

2. Yoga

Incorporating the mindful movement involved in yoga into daily routines can reduce stress levels and balance cortisol release. Mindful involves focusing solely on the present moment. Doing so helps individuals to become extra aware of possible stress triggers, bringing relaxation to the mind and then body. Enrolling in yoga classes or utilizing an online video tutorial is a great way to start. Allocating around 15 minutes daily for this activity will bring the desired result. 

Yoga for cortisol belly fat

3. Deep breathing

Increased stress levels sometimes cause panic attacks. Aside from that, it’s one of the major causes of belly fat. During an increased stress period, taking a moment to catch your breath and breathe deeply is of the utmost importance. Furthermore, regularly engaging in deep breathing exercises helps to calm the mind and, eventually, reduce the body’s cortisol levels when stressed. The 4-7-8 technique for breathing is an excellent adoption for deep breathing. Inhale for a duration of four seconds, then hold your breath for seven seconds before exhaling for eight seconds. For a more efficient result, repeat continuously for around 10 minutes in a comfortable and quiet place. 

4. Healthy Diet

As humans, it’s essential to keep a healthy diet in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In that sense, certain foods can affect cortisol levels in the body. Studies have shown that staying on a high sugar and saturated fat diet can result in higher levels or cortisol compared to a diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, and fruits. In the same way, eating nutrient-rich food helps to support hormonal balance and manage the body’s cortisol level. As such it’s necessary to include protein-rich food like fish and chicken in your diet.

5. Regular Exercise

Engaging in regular physical exercises consisting of strength training, aerobic movements and exercises, as well as high intensity training can help in reducing cortisol levels and its resulting belly fat. It’s also known for increasing the body’s metabolism and burning overall body fat.

6. Prioritize Quality Sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential in refreshing the body, mind, and maintaining cortisol levels. On the contrary, a poor sleeping habit can lead to an increase in cortisol, triggering stress. As such, ensure to aim for at least 7-9 hours of sleeping time every night.

Prioritize quality sleep to reduce stress

7. Consider Supplements

While having a specific nutrient-rich diet is essential in eliminating cortisol belly fat, certain supplements have been shown to also provide a similar, if not more effective result. For instance, omega-3 fatty acids — a type of healthy fat found in salmon, flaxseeds, and chia seeds — have been proven to reduce the body’s cortisol levels. Omega-3 fatty acids can be gotten from fish oil supplements. 


As humans, we often have little control over stress-inducing events that can cause an increase in cortisol level and eventually, belly fat. While this cannot be controllable, several lifestyle changes can help solve the issues triggered by stress. If you’re struggling with other mental health related issues arising from belly fat and stress, know you are not alone in this and always seek help.

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